Some Spartan Women Had the Responsibility of Running the Family's Farm Because

Spartan women had more than rights and enjoyed greater autonomy than women in any other Greek city-land of the Classical Catamenia (5th-4th centuries BCE). Women could inherit holding, ain land, make business transactions, and were amend educated than women in aboriginal Greece in general. Unlike Athens, where women were considered second-class citizens, Spartan women were said to dominion their men.

Spartan Woman Bronze Statue

Spartan Woman Bronze Statue

Wikipedia User: Putinovac (Public Domain)

The Greek philosopher Aristotle (l. 384-322 BCE), who spent most of his adult life in Athens, criticized the independence and influence of Spartan women in his Politics, claiming that women's autonomy in Sparta was responsible for its decline because nature had intended for men to rule over women while, in Sparta, the contrary policy was good (1269b.12). There is no prove to back up Aristotle's merits but a significant amount showing how the equality of the sexes in Sparta actually made the city-country stronger and more than efficiently run than others.

Spartan women participated freely in almost every aspect of their city-state's political & social life.

The laws of Sparta were reformed by the male monarch Lycurgus (l. c. 9th century BCE) and emphasized the importance of equality among all citizens. Girls were given the aforementioned physical fitness regimen as boys (though they were non trained in arms or Greek warfare) and were educated at the same level at home (while boys would nourish a public school). The subjugated form of people known as helots took intendance of menial labor, including weaving of dress, allowing a female Spartan to concentrate on what Lycurgus believed their most important role: motherhood. Spartan women were famously proud of their children who were expected to accolade the city-land through virtuous beliefs. At the same time, women had the responsibleness of running the farm or manor, managing finances, and operating businesses as the men were frequently away at war.

The purpose of sex within wedlock was to create strong, healthy children, only women were allowed to take male lovers to achieve this aforementioned end. Aforementioned-sex relationships amongst men and women were for pleasure and personal fulfilment. These relationships were regarded as natural every bit long as both parties were of a sure age and had consented. Although Athens is ofttimes referenced as the "birthplace of commonwealth", Athenian women had no vox in politics or their husband'due south concern whereas Spartan women participated freely in almost every aspect of their city-state'southward political and social life.

Status of Women in Athens vs. Sparta

Women in Athens were relegated to the background except for their participation in certain religious festivals and rituals. An Athenian girl was raised to learn how to weave from her female parent and intendance for children and the dwelling house. One of the most telling details regarding the condition of females in Athens and Sparta is noted by scholar Paul Cartledge:

Heiresses in Sparta – that is, daughters without legitimate brothers of the same male parent – were chosen patrouchoi, which ways literally 'holders of the patrimony', whereas in Athens they were chosen epikleroi, which means 'on (i.e. going with) the kleros (allotment, lot, portion)'. Athenian epikleroi, that is, served merely as a vehicle for transmitting the paternal inheritance to the next male heir and possessor, that is to their oldest son, their father'due south grandson, whereas Spartan patrouchoi inherited in their own right. (169)

Through liaisons with men other than their husbands, Spartan women could also larn command of more than one home and surrounding lands, and many became wealthy landowners. There were a significant number of widows in Sparta who had lost husbands and sons in the wars just never had to worry nearly survival because they endemic the land and knew how to make it profitable.

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Although some Athenian women are mentioned as merchants, potters, or pursuing other careers, they were routinely secluded from men (perhaps fifty-fifty in the home) and had no legal recourse in the courts, limited economical power, and no political phonation. A female person Spartan had all of these rights and were brought up from childhood with the understanding they had as much to contribute to the state equally men.

Girls' Childhood & Didactics

The reforms of Lycurgus covered every expanse of Spartan life from currency to land ownership and warfare likewise as spheres which might be considered a citizen's private affairs such equally dining, union, and childrearing. Spartan men and women were expected to eat together in dining halls, the men separated from the women, and children of both sexes were to be brought upwardly physically fit and educated.

Young Spartans Exercising

Young Spartans Exercising

Edgar Degas (Public Domain)

Boys were raised by their fathers until the historic period of seven when they were taken to live communally with others and brainstorm life in the agoge, the Spartan education program mandated for all males, which emphasized military training. Spartan girls remained nether the tutelage of their mothers but were expected to participate in the same physical fitness routines as the boys, in which all participants were naked, as well as attend festivals and religious rituals where males and females contributed to the result.

Sports a female Spartan participated in could include wrestling, long- and curt-distance running, horseback riding, hurling the javelin or discus, boxing, and racing. Education for girls besides included singing, playing a musical instrument, trip the light fantastic toe, and the composition of verse all of which came under the umbrella term mousike ("music") which was thought to enrich and ennoble i's character. Lyric poetry in the style of Sappho of Lesbos (l. c. 620-570 BCE) and the poet Alcman (l. c. 600 BCE) was the genre taught to the girls and the style Greek women mainly (or peradventure but) equanimous in. Scholar Jane McIntosh Snyder comments:

All [Greek female person poets] wrote primarily in the same genre already established equally appropriate for women by the reputation of their predecessor, Sapho, namely lyric poetry…Simply whereas Sappho's poesy appears to have been intended primarily for solo performances (that is, ane singer accompanied by a lyre), some of these new writers ventured – to judge from the meters they used – into lyrics meant for choral performance past a group of singers, often perhaps in connection with a local religious festival tied to the agricultural agenda or as role of some other town ceremony. (xl)

This same paradigm practical to Sparta where all-girl choruses were formed and competed for prizes. Sometimes these competitions were part of religious festivals but also seem to have been included in events honoring an private, such every bit singing the praises of a given politician or, conversely, making fun of someone, as in mocking men of a certain age who had non yet married, at that place by encouraging adherence to social traditions. Choruses also performed at the dedication of temples or the planting of crops.

These choruses gave rise to the genre of Greek poetry known equally the partheneion ("maiden vocal") conceived of past the lyric poet Alcman who either was Spartan or lived near of his life in Sparta. The "maiden" referenced was the goddess Ortheia, another proper name for Artemis, but also referred to the singers themselves and the objects of their amore, other girls. Extant fragments of maiden songs brand clear that some of these were composed by women in praise of other women suggesting a romantic and erotic human relationship.

Sexuality, Marriage, & Motherhood

Same-sex relationships in Sparta were as mutual as they were elsewhere in ancient Greece as there was no such distinction as homosexual and heterosexual, these being modern-solar day constructs. In his Life of Lycurgus, which includes a word of Spartan sexual mores, Plutarch writes:

The boys' lovers also shared with them in their honor or disgrace; and it is said that i of them was in one case fined by the magistrates because his favorite boy had allow an ungenerous cry escape him while he was fighting. Moreover, this sort of love was so approved by them [the Spartans] that even the maidens plant lovers in skillful and noble women, even so, at that place was no jealous rivalry in information technology, simply those who fixed their attentions on the same person made this rather a foundation for friendship with one another, and persevered in common efforts to brand their loved 1 as noble as possible. (18.4)

Same-sexual activity relationships, whether betwixt males or females, were considered natural both earlier and afterward one was married. Unlike girls in other city-states who might marry equally young every bit xiii or 14, a Spartan adult female commonly connected her education until 18 or 20 and only then considered proposals by suitors brokered past her father or older brother. Scholar Colin Spencer notes, "Honey between two adult men occurred often, but just the 'effeminate' man incurred the social opprobrium" as evidenced by derogatory terms used for a man who "played the part of a woman" in sex but none for the human relationship itself (51). No such terms seem to have been practical to female aforementioned-sexual activity relationships which, as noted, might continue after the woman had married.

Greek Vase Depicting Wedding Preparations

Greek Vase Depicting Wedding Preparations

British Museum (CC BY-NC-SA)

The union ritual in Sparta began with a symbolic kidnapping in which, after the families had agreed to the spousal relationship, the female Spartan was forcefully taken by the man to their new home and left with female attendants who prepared her for the marriage night. Her head was shaved, and she was given a boy's wearing apparel and left in a darkened room. At some signal in the night, her new husband would surprise her, the couple would have sex, and then the man would leave to return to the barracks where he lived.

Cartledge notes how "it was said that a Spartan husband might begetter several children earlier he saw his wife in daylight" (172). The wife was then expected to keep her pilus closely cropped throughout the marriage. Some scholars have suggested this ritual was enacted to make the man, who had known only the company of other males up to this indicate, more comfortable in having sexual relations with a woman. The wife'due south closely cropped hair, in the same style as a Spartan male's, is besides idea to relate to this same situation, brand the woman announced boyish or manly.

Once married, Spartan women were expected to produce children. Cartledge writes:

Wifehood and motherhood were every Greek female'south social equally well as anatomical destiny – and nowhere was that emphasized more than than in Sparta. The divine recipient of worship in connexion with pregnancy and childbirth was Eileithyia, closely associated in Sparta as elsewhere with Artemis (Orthia). (175)

Artemis was also associated with same-sex activity female relationships as she was frequently depicted surrounded by young women equally her devotees. The maiden songs in praise of Artemis, in part, celebrated the transition of maiden to bride to wife and mother. Motherhood was highly regarded, and Spartan women are said to take been especially proud of how their independent status allowed them to raise as strong and independent children.

Plutarch relates the story (mayhap apocryphal) of Gorgo of Sparta, married woman of Male monarch Leonidas who, "being asked by a woman from Attica, 'Why is it that y'all Spartan women are the only women that lord it over your men' replied, 'Because we are the only women that give nascency to [real] men'" (Moralia 218D.4). By this, she meant that existent men were not agape of strong women, implying the obvious lack of aforementioned in the men of other metropolis-states. Although the adult female's sons had been raised apart from her, they were still expected to honor her and, in fighting for the state, were also fighting for their mothers and abode.

There are many anecdotes related past Plutarch regarding women'due south pride in their sons' war machine victories and their shame at cowardly beliefs. One case of this is Damatria, a adult female honored with an epigram for killing her son who had proved himself a coward in boxing. The nigh famous, though, is the story of the mother handing her son his shield as he was going off to state of war, telling him to return either with the shield or on it, referencing the practice of returning a dead soldier on his shield.

Women's Responsibilities, Rights, & Attire

Women'south rights were directly linked to their responsibilities. Since the men were away then ofttimes at state of war, a female person Spartan had to run a abode, subcontract, or estate by themselves. Their chief duty was to give birth to sons who would bring award to the family and the land through bravery in gainsay and women were expected to maintain their health and physical fitness primarily for this purpose. Daily chores which were considered "women'south work" – especially weaving, house cleaning, and childrearing – were done past helot women. The helots were a grade of people subjugated by the Spartans who were non slaves merely not regarded equally equals. Some scholars have claimed that Spartan mothers did non fifty-fifty breastfeed their children as they had helot wet nurses for that.

Spartan women concentrated on finance, agronomics, & the efficient operation of the home.

Spartan women concentrated on finance, agriculture, and the efficient operation of the home. The female person head of the business firm had the terminal word in whatever decisions were to exist made and kept the farm and home running smoothly. They were also expected to participate in religious rituals honoring the gods of the state so that these gods would reciprocate with the gifts of war machine victories and bountiful harvests. In that location were also a number of cults women dedicated themselves to regarding fertility (such as the Cult of Artemis-Eileithyia-Orthia) or feminine force as in the case of the Cult of Cynisca, the first adult female to have won the Olympic games by grooming her own horses.

Spartan women'south attire reflected the value of austerity that characterized the civilization. They usually wore a peplos, a body-length dress, belted at the waist and fatigued up to their knees or college. Unmarried women wore their pilus long and married women, as noted, closely cropped and sometimes covered by a veil that savage over their faces. Although Lycurgus had outlawed argent and gold considering it led to avarice and offense (replacing gold and silver currency with fe), this law was later amended for the product of jewelry, and women wore gold and silver bracelets and necklaces. They also used cosmetics – which Lycurgus had also outlawed as encouraging vanity – and wore perfume. Ostentation was frowned upon, nevertheless, as equality was a primal cultural value and and so Spartan women, more or less, looked alike in terms of wealth within their social class.


Contrary to Aristotle'due south assertion, Spartan women had zero to practice with the decline of the city-state. Sparta was at its height, even after decades of warfare, when it challenged the strength of Thebes. At the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BCE, Sparta was defeated past the Theban army nether the control of Epaminondas (l. c. 420-362 BCE), a force which included The Sacred Band of Thebes – a unit of 150 same-sex male couples – under the vivid leader Pelopidas. Epaminondas and Pelopidas inflicted heavy casualties on the Spartans who lost 400 of their 700 hoplite foot soldiers and their king Cleombrotus in the battle.

Spartan Warriors

Spartan Warriors

The Creative Assembly (Copyright)

Prior to Leuctra, Sparta had seemed invincible and then Greek writers, before and after Aristotle, had to discover some reason for their defeat other than the obvious - that Epaminondas and Pelopidas had outmaneuvered and outfought Cleombrotus – because that was somehow just unacceptable. The reason these later writers came upwards with was the autonomy of the Spartan women, which had weakened the country to the indicate where it was bound to fall. Cartledge comments:

What Aristotle and other conventionally minded not-Spartan men feared subconsciously and perhaps sometimes consciously was feminine power. One expression of that Greek male fearfulness was the invention of the mythical race of Amazons, but at least the Amazons had the decency to live apart from men, whereas the Spartan women apparently exercised their power from within the heart of the community. In the grip of such fearfulness, the male sources often distorted the facts they had access to, commonly but at second-manus at best, about Spartan women. (170)

In reality, Sparta was at its all-time when men and women were regarded equally equals. The female Spartan was honored equally the equal of the male in her own sphere of power and authority and, even in the accounts of detractors, performed admirably. It could be argued, in fact, that the force of the Spartan women allowed for the formidable reputation of the same in the Spartan men.

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